Replacing the gateway to the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona, located in the lobby of access to the property no. 115 of the Rambla of the Studies and conditioning the entire core of stairs to access first floor, including the renovation of lighting and painting the whole staircase.
With the replacement of the current opaque wooden door with an automatic glazed door we manage to increase the effective presence of the Academy, as well as express their interest to open to the society, avoiding any sign of secrecy; and, at the same time give more amplitude, using the mirror opposite the entrance to the Academy, in the lobby of access that is also the Poliorama theatre.
In addition to the visual opening of the entrance to the academy due to the replacement of the door, the lighting is replaced to highlight both the stone staircase leading to access first floor as the shield that presides it, with LED technology lights. Finally, we repainted the whole staircase and replaced some pieces of stone to complete the rehabilitation work.
Nivel A: National Cultural Property