2023 · Catalunya

Rehabilitation project of the headquarters of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona.

The RACAB headquarters building, Real Acadèmia de les Ciències i les Arts de Barcelona, designed by the architect Josep Domènech i Estapà and catalogued with a level of protection A: A cultural asset of national interest, it is part of the itinerary of the most emblematic buildings of the city of Barcelona.
All the actions that have been carried out in recent years have been carried out with the double objective of conservation and adaptation of the building for its opening to the public, since the academy wants to increase its informative activity, especially with the rehabilitation of the 4th and 5th floors and the two domes: astronomical and meteorological.
Thus, the entire building’s structure has been rehabilitated: facades, roofs and roofs and interiors: entrance hall, mosaic of the auditorium, 4th and 5th floors, stairs and towers.

