Acabades les obres de l’Estadi Olímpic a Montjuic per rebre els partits de La Lliga i la UEFA que disputarà
Comencem les obres del Projecte d’Actuacions puntuals a l’edifici del Canòdrom de Sant Andreu que inclogui totes les millores a
El present projecte bàsic té com a objectiu realitzar la construcció d’una escola d’adults al carrer Cristòbal de Moura número
We won the first prize in the competition venued by BIMSA to adequate a premises in Muntaner Street in order
The book “GUIA CGE Consultoria Geotècnica en Edificació” has been published, whose author is Ramon Ferrando, among others.
We won the second prize in the competition for the rehabilitation of the Shield warehouse in the factory site of
First prize in the competition for the structural and constructive diagnosis of the exterior roof, object of action of photovoltaic
We have finished the works on the two Aigües de Barcelona warehouses in Cornella.
The Music Academy Trémolo is located in 45-49 Homer Street and 20A Escipió Street.